Welcome to the Love Jam. A podcast created as an inspirational and resourceful place to feel full, creatively sparked, and safe to live your life your way. Each podcast is a journey and a conversation with guests. Join Tiffany as she talks through all the facets of life with people who pour love into everything they do.
Season Three
Prayer, Love, Black Lives Matter
Back by popular demand, my sister Charmaine Cooper returns to the Love Jam to help me unpack big world shifts and neutralize it with prayer. We dig into ancestry, history, feeling personal darkness, leaning into love and being impeccable with our word. This is not a time for fight or flight - Charmaine says! It is time to pause and reset! Offer yourself and others a chance to reset and erase all the rage we feel - by listening to this love infused conversation! Healing is found within a reset of time and after you have empowered yourself with information and connected with God. Peace can be found. Thank you Char! I love you!
Find my sister Charmaine here: @charcoop2 or @theskintheologian or @charcandidpod
Connecting with your Contractor
Are you searching for a good contractor? Do you realize that it is not what you do, but how you do it? Please join my dearest friends the 'BroLaws' David Kenney and Joey Fletcher as we chat about being in the trades and changing the paradigm on what being in contracting is really all about. In a mainly masculine industry, these two gentlemen have smashed their love for entertaining and bringing smiles into a traditionally serious business and have changed lives! With hearts bigger than they are, Dave and Joey have stolen my heart and the hearts of anyone who knows them. Please listen and get to know these two angels here: @brolawsrus and hire them by checking out: www.brolawsconstruction.com
Do you love fashion? Are you a creative person looking for an inspiring conversation to kick start your imagination into what is possible - this podcast with my dear friend Fatima Hughes (aka: Vava) is for you! Are you seeking inspiration? Are you looking to TRANSFORM your life from the inside out? Fatima shares her wildly inspiring journey from running her own fashion business, to closing it and reimagining it into a company of beauty products. Transformation is a very 'here & now' attitude and Fatima embodies it entirely. Starting over and reinventing yourself is available to anyone! Fatima is living proof in every way!
You can find Fatima Hughes here: @fatimahughesstudio or here: www.fatimahughes.com
Sisterhood, Family, Childhood
It would not be a true Love Jam without including my truest love my little sister Chelcia Pratt. We talk all about growing up together. We share stories about our Mom Peggy and how much she has deeply inspired and shaped our lives. Being total opposites, we share how brutal honesty has kept us close while still loving and celebrating each other. We share our love for art and how it has healed and helped us over the years and how even as little ones we understood our true connection and knew exactly who the other one was. If you are interested in an hour that will make you laugh, cry and make you call your family. Then this chat with my wildly, funny and talented sister is for you.
You can find Chelcia here: @chelciachick or here: www.killergreens.ca
Reimagining your business
If you own your own business, or you are building or scaling a business and are looking to reinvent or reimagine your business. This podcast is for you! Love jamming with my dear friend Janine Morrison, founder of Tonic Living, was a true joy, a laugh-filled, honest and frank chat about work life or work and life. It's ok to change. It is ok to follow your instincts and make moves that trailblaze yourself and your business in places that nobody has ever gone before. It's the wabi sabi of business chats sure to inspire you to know that everything is possible and perfection is not paramount when building something is involved. Just start! I could go on! Listen! This is a good one!
You can find Janine here: @tonicliving or here: www.tonicliving.ca
Adrenal fatigue, hormone support
For some of us on the treadmill within our own fast paced lifestyles, we get going so fast that it's hard to stop. I enlisted the help of Dr. Stephanie Porter to help me get my adrenal fatigue under control and figure out how to start feeling optimal. We talk about IV therapy and how this tailored support can really help get things under control after having blood work done to sort out what is happening. As women, once the adrenals start suffering, so do the hormones and this sets things way off balance. If any of this sounds interesting or rings a bell for you - then spend this 45 minutes with me and Stephanie!
You can find her here: @porterhealth or here: www.porterhealth.ca
Colon Hydrotherapy
There is no subject I love talking about more than poop or pooping and what better person to discuss the topic than my dear friend and weekly colon therapist Jody Movat from Vita Life Clinic! I feel like it is time to normalize talking pooping and colon health. Jody shares her difficult childhood colon experiences and how this time in her life shaped who she is and why she is such a dedicated colon therapist. If you are interested in what to eat and why, simple healthy colon lifestyle tips and why a healthy colon truly equates true health, then this podcast is for you!
You can find Jody here: @vitalifeonqueen or here www.vitalifeclinic.com
Not Giving a F#$%
My bestie since high school, Daintry Robson joins me for this very special podcast. She shares her ideas about aging, being your own advocate and making the choice to have a double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery. Having had a front row seat to cancer by helping her sister battle it really helped her make this decision. She talks about unfollowing people on social media for self care, be gone bad vibes and not giving a fuck about what anyone thinks are just a few things you can expect from this chat!
You can find Daintry here: @daintryrob
Heart Anthem
We are back for season 3 & I talk about channeling your service and giving yourself over to the permission to set yourself and your stories aside to let the light shine through. I touch on SHAKTI energy, taking time to feel that love radiate through your body. I share the idea of being the ALCHEMIST of your own life. I want you to stand in LOVE. Be the love that you are. Be the love jam everyday. Be your own love jam. Inspire your own soul to take the time to explore and feed your spirit. Join me for this solo chat that dives deep!
Season Two
Bonus Episode
During a press junket at Corus Entertainment, I was able to sit down with my friend Sangita Patel and have an intimate chat about her and her real life. Not seeking anyone’s approval, motherhood, fitness, being a South Asian woman in the media and really sharing her truth was a true honor and pleasure for me! Be kind! Be happy!
Find Sangita here and be blown away! @sangita.patel
Mother Earth
Sharing this hour of power with Environmental trailblazer Adria Vasil was full power love! If you are interested in doing your best for our planet and listening to this wildly informative woman spew her gospel on green living--this podcast is for you! This podcast unleashes some information about chemicals, products, simple tips and earth friendly ideas that you can easily integrate into your home and life to give mother nature some daily consideration. Be a messenger for the earth and change the environment by changing YOUR environment!
Find my sister Adria here: @adriavasil
Meditation and Mental Health
I met Terri Lynn Thomas during the three day initiation classes for Transcendental Meditation (TM) years ago while learning about her inspiring life. She homeschools her kids and has four free range children and free range chickens on her property amongst other magic. She discusses her busy life integrating meditation, creating, photographing, setting boundaries, sharing freedoms, dealing with mental health and learning that you cannot face anything until YOU DO.
You can learn all about TL here: @terrilynn_thomas and all about Transcendental Meditation here: @transcendentalmeditation
I spent an inspiring hour with my trainer and dear friend Allie Sainsbury talking about the body and movement. If you have any inkling or inspiration to lift weights, showing yourself some self care and love by digging deeper into your physical self and finding your true strength-this chat is for you. Nothing is as valuable as your health and focusing on your body as a vessel for having a better life is the perspective shared during this peaceful chat.
See and be and inspired by Allie here: @alliesains
Art + Children
A topic near and dear to my heart is this discussion with my friend Erin Boniferro of Collage Collage in Vancouver. If you are interested in art, teaching, children, art therapy, and small business-this conversation is for you! Art as an immersive part of learning is a huge part of growing and truly learning. This chat is all about giving yourself permission to play and knowing that art is vital. Using art for your own healing and then "mark making" with your child and giving your child permission to ask questions, make noise and use colour and gestures as a gateway to communicate with you and their hearts. Pour a cup of tea and enjoy this long creative chat!
Find Erin here: @collagecollage
Finding Your Inner Clown
Sitting with Nicki Gallo Affleck was a heart exploding hour that will blow your mind. With a career beginning as an actor-Nicki found herself later performing as a full time clown brightening the lives of children in a children's hospital. She urges us all to feel that everything that we do in life is important. Everything matters as we walk down our "yellow brick road"! From chats about my favorite book "The Artist's Way". Finding your heart's medicine will in turn become your medicine to the world is how I feel when reflecting on this chat! It's a good one!
Find Nicki here: @gallotime
Higher Love
Grab your favorite cozy blanket and a notebook for this one. I sat down with my soul sister Charmaine Cooper to chat about her latest jump into theology and entirely flipping her life upside down to make that change that she has felt in her heart. There is an overpowering vibe of higher love within this powerful discussion that you will feel with each passing minute. If you want to feel something real and true and leave this hour feeling a burst of inner light sure to change you-this podcast is for you!
Find Charmaine here: @charcoop2
Collections and Curations
Listening to this podcast with collector, curator, style maker my dear friend Jamie Martin is like peeping in on one our many geeky design conversations. If you are into design, collections or treasure hunting this episode is for you. Digging into collecting as a positive channel for an addictive personality, coming up with great ideas along the way and facing an interesting perspective about rescuing things instead of just "buying"--this informative chat will fill your cup!
Find Jamie Here: @ j Jbowman13
Unconditional Love
I sat my best friend Koko down for an hour long discussion about love. Having been in a love relationship with Koko a decade ago we chatted all about how we transformed our romantic love into a lifelong friendship that feels like family and how unconditional love is where it is at. If you have someone in your life that you love and it is hard to know what to do with it or label it-this podcast will inspire you and open your heart!
Find Koko here on Instagram: @kokophoto
Season Opener
A feel good season opener for season two gets you excited about feeling good about your true happiness, your service, trust in divine timing and trust in yourself to just go for it. Do you appreciate your "Yes" feelings? Do you appreciate your "No" feelings? Do you realize that every gesture of your life is a message that you send out into the world? If any of this tickles your heart-join me for this solo chat about life. I would love to hang with you.
Season One
Money Real Talk
Join Shannon Lee Simmons and I in an empowering chat about money and the emotions behind how and why we spend. She will share empowering tips, stories and relatable ideas that will have you feeling like you may finally take the front seat in your savings both with your check book and peace of mind.
Please find Shannon here for more: shannonleesimmons.com & @nschoolfinance
Inner Beauty with ‘My Mystical Friend’
Take the magical journey with Michelle Silverstein and I through discussions on make-up, beauty, inner beauty, spirituality, angel cards, celebration of self and self-talk. The giggles will lift your spirit off the top and the heavy hitting heart talk at the end will really stay with you.
Please find out more about her here: mymysticalfriend.com & @mymysticalfriend
Clairvoyance with a Radiant Empath
Pour a cup of tea and get lost in time with Karen Bell and I as we embark on discussions about the soul, clairvoyance, spirit, energy, colour and our personal discoveries on the spiritual journey that is life and feeling our way through this life. Karen offers some golden nuggets of intention and ideas throughout this chat!
Please find out more about her here: radiantempath.com & @radiantempath
Art, Craft, Making, Heart & Hands
Wrap yourself in a cozy blanket and enjoy this intimate chat with my colleague and friend Jill Cohen as we unwrap a maker’s life. If you have any inclination to create, paint, make something, feel something and make something about it—listen to this conversation so you don’t feel alone & you feel inspired. For the sensitive souls who love art-this one is for you!
Please find out more about Jill & her art here: jillyfrances.com & @jillyfrances
Untangle Yourself with Movement
Please untangle yourself with Amber Joliat & I for a powerful conversation about how movement moves us to shift ourselves, or hearts and our minds. I learned that being truly vulnerable with ourselves sometimes means moving our bodies more. Trusting our bodies. Trusting our feelings. Making time for movement is medicine.
Please find out more about Amber and her movement classes here: themisfitmethod.com & @themisfitmethod
Human Resources & Emotional Intelligence
Pull out a pen and paper and prepare yourself for countless AH HA moments. If you are managing yourself or a team, having regular difficult conversations in the workplace & always handling people-this podcast is for you. Showing up and adding value is what this podcast is all about and I cannot think of anyone who is a more valuable resource in problem solving than Amanda Hudson. She and her team are all about helping their clients feel in control of their business. If any of this gets you interested, you will find countless nuggets in this hour.
Please find out more about her magic here: amodernwaytowork.com & @amodernwaytowork
Working in Interior Design & the Art of True Listening
Please cuddle up and listen to this cozy conversation with Sarah Keenleyside. We are two friends who share the same profession, exchange experiences, bond and share everything we love about interior design and the tips and tricks we have learned along the way. If you are interested in design, this is a must listen sure to inspire you and gain a new perspective on a industry that may appear glamorous.
Please find my dear friend Sarah here: @sarahkeenleyside
From the Beginning
As a new podcaster, I embark on the storytelling of who I am and why I am here exploring this platform. By sharing myself and my story, I hope that you get a sense of who I am and how I may connect with you and the parts of your heart that don’t have the words yet. If you stay with me for a few episodes, you will find that my work here is to explore love and how those I love bring their love & magic into what they do. I unpack their lives, skills and stories here and I hope you love this journey as much as I have.